Percona Server 5.6.11-60.3,5.6のダウンロード


Bugs fix
Transaction objects are now allocated calling calloc() directly instead of using InnoDB heap allocation. This may improve write performance for high levels of concurrency. Bug fixed #1185686.
Under very rare circumstances, deleting a zero-size bitmap file at the right moment would make server stop with an I/O error if changed page tracking is enabled. Bug fixed #1184517.
Missing path separator between the directory and file name components in a bitmap file name could stop the server starting if the innodb_data_home_dir variable didn’t have the path separator at the end. Bug fixed #1181887.
Changed page tracking used to hold the log system mutex for the log reads needlessly, potentially limiting performance on write-intensive workloads. Bug fixed #1171699.
Incorrect schema definition for the User Statistics tables in INFORMATION_SCHEMA (CLIENT_STATISTICS, INDEX_STATISTICS, TABLE_STATISTICS, THREAD_STATISTICS, and USER_STATISTICS) led to the maximum counter values being limited to 32-bit signed integers. Fixed so that these values can be 64-bit unsigned integers now. Bug fixed #714925.
Server would crash if an INNODB_CHANGED_PAGES query is issued that has an empty LSN range and thus does not need to read any bitmap files. Bug fixed #1184427.
Query to the INNODB_CHANGED_PAGES table would cause server to stop with an I/O error if a bitmap file in the middle of requested LSN range was missing. Bug fixed #1179974.
A warning is now returned if a bitmap file I/O error occurs after an INNODB_CHANGED_PAGES query started returning data to indicate an incomplete result set. Bug fixed #1185040.


Posted by arkgame