Traefik 2.1.6ダウンロード
- [acme] Update go-acme/lego to v3.4.0 (#6376 by ldez)
- [api] Return an error when ping is not enabled. (#6304 by ldez)
- [consulcatalog] Early filter of the catalog services. (#6307 by ldez)
- [consulcatalog] fix: consul-catalog uses port from label instead of item port. (#6345 by ldez)
- [file] fix: YML example of template for the file provider. (#6402 by ldez)
- [file] Allow fsnotify to reload config files on k8s (or symlinks) (#5037 by dtomcej)
- [healthcheck] Launch healthcheck only one time instead of two (#6372 by juliens)