React 0.4.0 のダウンロード





  • Switch from using id attribute to data-reactid to track DOM nodes. This allows you to integrate with other JS and CSS libraries more easily.
  • Support for more DOM elements and attributes (e.g., <canvas>)
  • Improved server-side rendering APIs.React.renderComponentToString(<component>, callback) allows you to use React on the server and generate markup which can be sent down to the browser.
  • prop improvements: validation and default values. Read our blog post for details…
  • Support for the key prop, which allows for finer control over reconciliation. Read the docs for details…
  • Removed React.autoBindRead our blog post for details…
  • Improvements to forms. We’ve written wrappers around <input><textarea><option>, and <select> in order to standardize many inconsistencies in browser implementations. This includes support for defaultValue, and improved implementation of the onChange event, and circuit completion. Read the docs for details…
  • We’ve implemented an improved synthetic event system that conforms to the W3C spec.
  • Updates to your component are batched now, which may result in a significantly faster re-render of components. this.setState now takes an optional callback as it’s second parameter. If you were using onClick={this.setState.bind(this, state)} previously, you’ll want to make sure you add a third parameter so that the event is not treated as the callback.


  • Support for comment nodes <div>{/* this is a comment and won't be rendered */}</div>
  • Children are now transformed directly into arguments instead of being wrapped in an array E.g. <div><Component1/><Component2/></div> is transformed intoReact.DOM.div(null, Component1(null), Component2(null)). Previously this would be transformed into React.DOM.div(null, [Component1(null), Component2(null)]). If you were using React without JSX previously, your code should still work.


  • Fixed a number of bugs when transforming directories
  • No longer re-write require()s to be relative unless specified


Posted by arkgame