変数名 = 値
expr length “$変数名"
#Bash script to find the length of a string
str="Welcome to arkgame.com"
length=`expr length "$str"`
echo "文字列 '$str'の長さ: $length"
#Bash script to find the length of a string
str="Welcome to arkgame.com"
length=`expr length "$str"`
echo "文字列 '$str'の長さ: $length"
#!/bin/bash #Bash script to find the length of a string str="Welcome to arkgame.com" length=`expr length "$str"` echo "文字列 '$str'の長さ: $length"
# sh test03.sh
文字列 'Welcome to arkgame.com'の長さ: 22
# sh test03.sh
文字列 'Welcome to arkgame.com'の長さ: 22
# sh test03.sh 文字列 'Welcome to arkgame.com'の長さ: 22