
提供元サイトからダウンロード(Wdindows 64ビット版)


  • E-book viewer: When in flow mode, handle swiping on the touchscreen differently. Swiping now scrolls line by line in flow mode instead of page by page. If you wish to scroll page by page in flow mode, tap instead of swiping.
  • Conversion: Preserve all guide entries that are of a type present in the EPUB 2.0 specification. These entries are used by newer Kindle readers to populate the Go To jump list
  • When adding MOBI files if the author name is in LN, FN format, auto change it to FN LN format, as the MOBI format has no author sort field. This behavior can be disabled by setting Preferences->Tweaks->Author sort name algorithm to copy.

    Closes tickets: 1306748

  • Spellcheck: When checking French text list all words that have the same stem as a single word. So j’aime and aime are listed as a single word.


Posted by arkgame