Xming ダウンロード
- Update Pthreads-Win32 and FreeType2 from their project git repositories, and the xserver, glxinfo, ico, libX11, libxcb, libXfont, Mesa, pixman, xkeyboard-config, xkill, xlogo, xlsatoms, xlsclients, xlsfonts, xmessage, xmodmap, xprop, xsetroot and xwininfo from X.Org git. Includes fixes for
- When using XLaunch from Xmingrc (or even Command Processor) it can be tricky setting the path to an .xlaunch file not in the install directory. Now try to automatically find a given filename in these four paths and in this precedence order: %appdata%\Xming; %userprofile%\Desktop; %userprofile%; Xming install directory.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build (Khronos SVN at revision 27055).
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 10194.