Apache Lucene 4.9.0 ダウンロード
* New Terms.getMin/Max methods to retrieve the lowest and highest terms per field. * New IDVersionPostingsFormat, optimized for ID lookups that associate a monotonically increasing version per ID. * Atomic update of a set of doc values fields. * Numerous optimizations for doc values search-time performance. * New (default) Lucene49NormsFormat to better compress certain cases such as very short fields. * New SORTED_NUMERIC docvalues type for efficient processing of multi-valued numeric fields. * Indexer passes previous token stream for easier reuse. * MoreLikeThis accepts multiple values per field. * All classes that estimate their RAM usage now implement a new Accountable interface. * Lucene files are now written by (File)OutputStream on all platforms, completely disallowing seeking with simplified IO APIs. * Improve the confusing error message when MMapDirectory cannot create a new map.