newLISP 10.6.1 開発バージョンのダウンロード



  • A new function (collect exp) reapeatedly evaluates exp and collects results in a list until evaluation yields nil.
  • Some PCRE regular expression options can now be given as either numbers or letters. Multiple letter optiosn can be combined in a string. This affects all functions using regular expressions. See the regexfunction for details.
  • The regex function now gives offset and length in number of UTF-8 characters when PCRE UTF8 option2048 or “u" is specified.
  • A second syntax pattern for copy allows copying a newLISP cell from a memory address. This is useful when interfacing with C-language code.
  • The get-string function now takes one or two additional optional parameters for two new syntax patterns. The new patterns allow creating string buffers from memory address locations limited by size or a limit string. Using special limit strings, UTF16 and UTF32 strings of unknown size can be copied. This is useful when interfacing with C-language code.
  • The macro? predicate now also can be used on symbols to test if a symbol was created using the macrofunction.


Posted by arkgame