Arquillian Cube Extension 1.0.0.Alpha1 ダウンロード
- 機能改善
- #32 Support extension of Docker Image configuration
- #29 Create CubeController API
- #28 Create an enricher for injecting cube id in test
- #23 Change return type when creating a container.
- #19 Create Cube Command SPI events
- #18 Create Cube Lifecycle SPI events
- #17 Automatically configure default ports of Container incase of port forward
- #15 Support Docker Containers that are controlled out side an Arquillian Container
- #7 Adds log messages
- #6 Allow configure repository from where docker images are pulled
- #5 Add support for “docker pull image"
- #3 Users should be able to orchestrate more than one Docker container
- #2 Create Docker container from Dockerfile
- #1 Configuration parameters should be injectable as Arquillian Resource
- bug 修復
- #25 Rename groupIds to org.arquillian.extension
- #21 Update the ProtocolMetaData with the GateWay IP
- #16 Change @Cube enricher to @ArquillianResource
- #12 ProtocolMetaData returned by Container is wrong when using PortForwarding
- #10 Cube is using wrong port when doing port await check when portforward is enabled
- #8 Fails to build ftest
- #4 Handle Docker service not running with TCP enabled