
$変数名 ="AA"

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$cftA ="study skill in arkgame.com"
$cftB ='it skill is more'
$cftC = " think and do "
echo "welcome you $cftA"
echo "$cftA $cftB"
echo "have a dream $cftC"
#ダブルクォーテーション $cftA ="study skill in arkgame.com" #シングルクォーテーション $cftB ='it skill is more' $cftC = " think and do " echo "welcome you $cftA" echo "$cftA $cftB" echo "have a dream $cftC"
$cftA ="study skill in arkgame.com"
$cftB ='it skill is more'

$cftC = " think and do "

echo "welcome you $cftA"

echo "$cftA $cftB"

echo "have a dream $cftC"

> .\test.ps1
welcome you study skill in arkgame.com
study skill in arkgame.com it skill is more
have a dream think and do


Posted by arkgame