Ubuntu 22.04にkotlin バージョンを確認する方法

Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
openjdk 11.0.16 2022-07-19
Kotlin version 1.7.20-release-201

1. kotlinバージョンを確認します

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# kotlin -version
Kotlin version 1.7.20-release-201 (JRE 11.0.16+8-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.04)
# kotlin -version Kotlin version 1.7.20-release-201 (JRE 11.0.16+8-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.04)
#  kotlin -version
Kotlin version 1.7.20-release-201 (JRE 11.0.16+8-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.04)


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# kotlin -h
kotlin: run Kotlin programs, scripts or REPL.
Usage: kotlin <options> <command> [<arguments>]
where possible options include:
-howtorun <value> How to run the supplied command with arguments,
valid values: guess (default), classfile, jar, script (or .<script filename extension>)
-classpath (-cp) <path> Paths where to find user class files
-Dname=value Set a system JVM property
-J<option> Pass an option directly to JVM
-no-stdlib Don't include Kotlin standard library into classpath
-no-reflect Don't include Kotlin reflection implementation into classpath
-compiler-path Kotlin compiler classpath for compiling script or expression or running REPL
If not specified, try to find the compiler in the environment
-X<flag>[=value] Pass -X argument to the compiler
-version Display Kotlin version
-help (-h) Print a synopsis of options
and command is interpreted according to the -howtorun option argument
or, in case of guess, according to the following rules:
foo.Bar Runs the 'main' function from the class with the given qualified name
(compiler arguments are ignored)
app.jar Runs the given JAR file as 'java -jar' would do
(compiler arguments are ignored and no Kotlin stdlib is added to the classpath)
script.kts Compiles and runs the given script, passing <arguments> to it
-expression (-e) '2+2' Evaluates the expression and prints the result, passing <arguments> to it
<no command> Runs Kotlin REPL
arguments are passed to the main function when running class or jar file, and for standard script definitions
as the 'args' parameter when running script or expression
# kotlin -h kotlin: run Kotlin programs, scripts or REPL. Usage: kotlin <options> <command> [<arguments>] where possible options include: -howtorun <value> How to run the supplied command with arguments, valid values: guess (default), classfile, jar, script (or .<script filename extension>) -classpath (-cp) <path> Paths where to find user class files -Dname=value Set a system JVM property -J<option> Pass an option directly to JVM -no-stdlib Don't include Kotlin standard library into classpath -no-reflect Don't include Kotlin reflection implementation into classpath -compiler-path Kotlin compiler classpath for compiling script or expression or running REPL If not specified, try to find the compiler in the environment -X<flag>[=value] Pass -X argument to the compiler -version Display Kotlin version -help (-h) Print a synopsis of options and command is interpreted according to the -howtorun option argument or, in case of guess, according to the following rules: foo.Bar Runs the 'main' function from the class with the given qualified name (compiler arguments are ignored) app.jar Runs the given JAR file as 'java -jar' would do (compiler arguments are ignored and no Kotlin stdlib is added to the classpath) script.kts Compiles and runs the given script, passing <arguments> to it -expression (-e) '2+2' Evaluates the expression and prints the result, passing <arguments> to it <no command> Runs Kotlin REPL arguments are passed to the main function when running class or jar file, and for standard script definitions as the 'args' parameter when running script or expression
# kotlin -h
kotlin: run Kotlin programs, scripts or REPL.

Usage: kotlin <options> <command> [<arguments>]
where possible options include:
  -howtorun <value>          How to run the supplied command with arguments,
                             valid values: guess (default), classfile, jar, script (or .<script filename extension>)
  -classpath (-cp) <path>    Paths where to find user class files
  -Dname=value               Set a system JVM property
  -J<option>                 Pass an option directly to JVM
  -no-stdlib                 Don't include Kotlin standard library into classpath
  -no-reflect                Don't include Kotlin reflection implementation into classpath
  -compiler-path             Kotlin compiler classpath for compiling script or expression or running REPL
                             If not specified, try to find the compiler in the environment
  -X<flag>[=value]           Pass -X argument to the compiler
  -version                   Display Kotlin version
  -help (-h)                 Print a synopsis of options
and command is interpreted according to the -howtorun option argument
or, in case of guess, according to the following rules:
  foo.Bar                    Runs the 'main' function from the class with the given qualified name
                             (compiler arguments are ignored)
  app.jar                    Runs the given JAR file as 'java -jar' would do
                             (compiler arguments are ignored and no Kotlin stdlib is added to the classpath)
  script.kts                 Compiles and runs the given script, passing <arguments> to it
  -expression (-e) '2+2'     Evaluates the expression and prints the result, passing <arguments> to it
  <no command>               Runs Kotlin REPL
arguments are passed to the main function when running class or jar file, and for standard script definitions
as the 'args' parameter when running script or expression



Posted by arkgame