

xfs_repair [オプション] デバイス
# xfs_repair -d /dev/sda
# xfs_repair –h
-f The device is a file
-L Force log zeroing. Do this as a last resort.
-l logdev Specifies the device where the external log resides.
-m maxmem Maximum amount of memory to be used in megabytes.
-n No modify mode, just checks the filesystem for damage.
(Cannot be used together with -e.)
-P Disables prefetching.
-r rtdev Specifies the device where the realtime section resides.
-v Verbose output.
-c subopts Change filesystem parameters – use xfs_admin.
-o subopts Override default behaviour, refer to man page.
-t interval Reporting interval in seconds.
-d Repair dangerously.
-e Exit with a non-zero code if any errors were repaired.
(Cannot be used together with -n.)
-V Reports version and exits.


Posted by arkgame